Personalized letter from Santa Claus


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Message from Sender:
Good Day, I have registered your Bank Draft. But the manager of Bank OF ENGLAND told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire. So I told him to cash $1.500,000.00 all the necessary arrangement of delivering the $1.500,000.00 in cash was made with FEDEX EXPRESS COURIER This is the information you will use to contact them for delivering of your package to you. NOW CONTACT THEM WITH THIS INFORMATION. FedEx Express Courier Company Plc. 37 Workerni Street Avoturu Akpakpa Accra Ghana Phone: +233241863334 Fax.................+233241863334 PERSON TO CONTACT: DR. WILLIAMS HESKEY E-mail:( Please, Send them your contacts information to enable them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX. This is the information they need from you. 1. YOUR FULL NAME: 2. YOUR HOME ADDRESS: 3. YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER: 4. YOUR CURRENT OFFICE TELEPHONE: 5. A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE: 6. OCCUPATION/AGE 7. COUNTRY: Note that this is there E-mail contact ( Please make sure you send this needed info’s to the Director General of FedEx Express Courier Company Plc ACCRA-GHANA, DR. WILLIAMS HESKEY with the address given to you and call DR. WILLIAMS HESKEY on phone immediately you send the needed information to him. Note. The FedEx Express Courier don't know that the contents of the Box. I registered it as a Box of FILM MATERIAL. They don't know the content is money. This is to avoid them delaying with the Box. Do not let them know that is money that is in that Box. FINALLY, REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL PAY THEM FOR THEIR SECURITY KEEPING FEE WHICH IS $99 USD, WHICH IS NOT MUCH. Thanks and Remain Blessed. Mr. Alfred (Esq.)
The Feeding Of The Five Thousand(Matthew 14:13-21)
by Allen Ross
Matthew records a number of parables in chapter 13, and then in chapter 14 he returns to the description of some of Jesus' mighty works that portray Him not simply King of the Jews now but Lord of all creation. The 14th chapter begins with a report that Herod (not Herod the Great who died just after Jesus was born, but one of his sons) had had John beheaded in prison. This is the first significant sign of the growing opposition to Jesus and John. As a result, Jesus begins to widen His appeal to include the Gentiles more and more. First, in chapter 14 Jesus will do mighty deeds in Jewish land; then in chapter 15 He will be in Gentile territory. He will present Himself as Lord of all.
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