Mrs Mray Andanson.
Attention of Beneficiary;
The Board of federal ministry of finance Benin Republic are hereby to notify you of your payment inheritance funds of $1.5million us dollar. After the meeting hold on 18th of Jun 2011. His Excellence the PRESIDENT OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BENIN (DR YAYI BONI) has Instructed this Department to send your funds through our Branch, OCEANIC BANK PLC WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER for easy receive of your inheritance funds without any further delay to avoid paying money to the fraud stars that is going on through Courier Company.
You are required to send your name and address where you want your fund to be Send to OCEANIC BANK PLC WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER. The maximum amount you will be receiving per a day starting from tomorrow is $6,000.00) Here are details of your money transfer of your first payment of $6,000usd made out on your behalf.
for you to receive your fund through any Western Union Location in your Country, Also you are required by this Department to send the Renewing & Reconfirming of your file charges fee to OCEANIC BANK PLC WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER to help the Renew & Reconfirm you file that was deposited in the BANK along with your name and address below.
Your Beneficiary name ===========
Your Home Address=============
Your current Numbers==========
Your Home telephone===========
Your Occupation===============
Your Conutry ================
Office telephone==============
Your picture==================
Your Age====================
You personal identification=======
For further procedure Contact our payment officer with the information below;
Attention; Mr FRANK DONATUS.
Oceanic Bank Plc Western
Union Money Transfer.
CONTACT PHONE; +22998561281
Email;==[ ]
try to call him immediately, and he we tell you what you need; To do to receive your fund with out any dally. Try to fill the Above Information’s where to start sending the money Because As soon the required fee received today for the renewing & reconfirming the payment file of your funds you will start receiving your funds as from tomorrow in amount of $6,000.00 Dollars like we stated above.Indicate your payment file code of (#01174) to them when contacting or calling them.
Yours in service
Mrs Mray Andanson.
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